Monday, October 25, 2010

Flying Fall

Fall has been busy! Since my last race, we have not had one open weekend...the weekends have gone something like this: marathon (Jen), camping, Trek demos, visit Rochester.
I still have been riding a lot, more than during the season in fact because I love to ride. I have kept up on some intensity with our work group rides here at work (I have been relegated to my mountain bike while trying to keep up... or attacking depending your perspective ;-) , hockey, and my innate ability to punish myself on a bike even when I don't have too.

'Cross: Although it may seem this way, I haven't been purposely avoiding cyclocross. Life has been busy, and with 2 kids if you something isn't a priority, it is very unlikely to fit in. All summer, mtbk racing IS a priority, but come fall right, wrong, or otherwise, cyclocross just hasn't been.
And to keep the excuses rolling, I currently have a cracked/bruised rib from hockey that make any pulling on the handlebars painful. Stack on recent head cold and throw in some knee tendentious, and I feel like my body is rioting a little bit right now. Rest would help, but that would mean not riding or playing hockey. And as my wife would very emphatically tell you, the chances of taking a break from either of those two is probably as remote as seeing me at a 'cross race.

I have a mtbk event this weekend and will do a season wrap post after that.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Trek Demos

Hey everyone, if you didn't know, the Trek Demo truck is coming back this weekend. It will be at Lebanon Hills Saturday and Murphy Hanrehan Sunday. It is great opportunity to ride really expensive awesome bikes for free=)
Details here:
I will be out there Saturday and probably some Sunday too. If you see me stop by and say hey. If you want to ride, I will be taking people out on group laps for those that are interested.

See you out there!