Thursday, February 09, 2006

BOOO YAHH....the Skyride in St. Paul

Last night Jen and I cruised down to St. Paul with Mountain bike Mick, Jeff (my cousin), Fisher, and Jen to watch the Red Bull Skyride. The Skyride was a 1 mile time trial even with 1 rider going every minute. We worked our way from one end of the course to the other and found some pretty sweet sections to watch from. Unfortunately, spectators were not allowed in the middle of the course so we did most of traversing outside, but we did sneak into a few corners near the University Club (where Jen and I had our wedding reception=) to watch….Mick is cheering on this guy right before the guy bownced of the door and wall!

We ended up watching the finish for a while…

If you live near St. Paul and weren’t there, you missed out…the event was such a success (news media coverage, Mayor was there, etc) that I am sure there will be another. Don’t miss it next time!

Here is a video of the event.