We have found a Church, Shephard of the Lake in Prior Lake, that we really like and today we had Tegan Baptised there. As an added bonus, my entire family - yep all 5 of us kids and mom and dad - was able to congregate for the occasion.
Has been going well and is on schedule...I think? I am not very scientific in my approach, but things feel right so far.
1. My gym work outs continue to evolve and Kris, our personal trainer at work, is always pushing us. Probably the latest cool exercise is squats on an exercise ball... when people walk by they always ask if I am practicing for the circus. I haven't ruled it out, but really it is all about core, stability and balance.
2. Hockey so sweet, and only one broken stick this year=) Breaking carbon is still a bit of a sore spot for me though (broken 9.9 frame two years ago).
3. Oh yeah, riding. I have had a training revival ->snowmobile trails. They go on FOREVER and usually end in Bonkville.
let me know when you can do single leg squats.Should try some skiing some time.Complete work out,all while being outside.Going to do the City of lakes loppet & Mora Vassaloppet.Be blessed!
Hey Samo,
Good to hear from you.
Yeah skiing would be good, but I already added a new hobby this year (being a daddy) and between that, biking, hockey, etc, I am booked.
I would like to come watch a ski race some time...maybe city of lakes.
Good luck and don't get too fit, otherwise none of us will be able to hang with you=)
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